"It was a more positive experience than with my regular PCP. Dr. Parker actually readjusted my medication and added some that have improved by PTSD significantly. I felt heard." -BP
Specializes in treating addiction, mood disorders, ADHD, anxiety, PTSD, and depression in teens and adults of all ages
Dual Board Certified as a Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (PMHNP) and Advanced Family Medicine Nurse Practitioner (APRN)
28 years of experience working in healthcare
9 years experience as an APRN
Worked with the developmental disabled, long-term care, group homes, hospitals, public health, outpatient/inpatient addiction, outpatient psych, Telepsych
Passionate about treating addiction, mood disorders, ADHD, anxiety, depression in teens and adults of all ages
Married with two children - "I love spending time with my family, watching my teenage son play basketball and working out at the gym"